Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Home: It's an Abstract Feeling

Dear all my blog visitors, it's me. Rawr, dunno if I should be happy or not. Harusnya, hari ini aku ikut Minggu Misi sedekanat di St.Odilia, Tigaraksa. Tapi, inilah hasilnya kalo salah nerima informasi. Aku batal pergi, that's all dan hanya bisa geje-gejean online di kompi.

Anywaay, mau ngomongin apa, ya (lagi geje, nih..). This week seems very very fine. Aku nggak ngalamin kesialan macem-macem daan hari Senen lalu barusan aku lewati dengan dosa yang-just being honest- agak bikin bangga. Bukan dosa aneh-aneh kayak ngeganja atau semacamnya, sih. Kalo yang dari gitu-gituan gue masih bersih. Tapi, biarpun emang bukan dosa besar, keliatannya bukan itu yang pengen aku omongin sekarang.

Oiya, ada yang udah pernah denger nama Vanessa Carlton gak? She's best known with her single "A Thousand Miles" (have ya got it?). Ugh, I'm in love with her music! She ain't famous but her music is really beautiful. Ehm, kalo mau denger lagu lainnya, aku bisa memperdengarkan salah satunya. Liat ipod2an di blog ini, kan? Kalo misalkan bosen ma Breakaway-nya Kelly Clarkson, klik di menu daan pilih Home-Vanessa Carlton. Coba dengerin apa pikiran kita sama: kalau lirik dan permainan pianonya keren.

Setelah aku liat-liat lagi, ternyata ada banyak juga lagu yang bahas tentang Home. Kalo pernah nonton Brother Bear 2, perhatiin, deh, pas adegan perjalanan Nita, Kenai, dan ke Koda ke Hokani Falls, terutama adegan Nita diajarin berenang. Di adegan itu diputer lagu "Feels Like Home". I also love this song! Lagu ini dinyanyikan oleh Melissa Etheridge dan Josh Kelley. Ternyata dari dua lagu ini ajah, kita bisa tahu pengertian "home" itu sendiri.

Selama ini, kan, orang selalu mengartikan "home" itu sinonim dengan "house", padahal beda banget, cuy. Mungkin kalo diartiin ke Bahasa Indonesia artinya sama-sama rumah, but believe me they ain't the same. House itu lebih pada bentuk bangunan yang ditinggali manusia. Lalu, apa itu home? Let's find out together!

You all can see the lyrics of Home by Vanessa Carlton on the lyrics scroll (right under the Mixpod). Jadi, gw nulisinnya gak usah penuh, ya...

Some people live in the house on the hills, they wish they were some place else...
There's nobody there when t
hen evening is still...
Secrets with no one to tell...
Some I have known, has a ship where they sleep with sounds of rock on the coast
but can't find what they want the most...

Even now, when I'm alone...
I've always known with you, I am home.

Okey, interupsi bentar. Kalau mau dianalisis, penulis lagu-yakin Vanessa sendiri- menjelaskan tentang kehidupan orang-orang yang tinggal di berbagai tempat. Ada yang tinggal di daerah gunung2 gitu sama yang tinggal di atas kapal. Yang jelas mereka udah punya rumah semua, tapi... gak ngerasa nyaman. Mreka ngerasa hidup mereka gak lengkap di rumah itu.
Lalu, mari beralih ke chorus. Vanessa nggak jelasin dia tinggal di mana, but when she's with someone, whom she thinks very special, whe feels like she is home. Wew, bisa jadi ajah malah ceritanya dia nggak punya tempat buat ditingali, tapi dia merasa nyaman karena bersama orang yang dia cintai!

Now, let's skip some part and we go to the final lyrics!

For me, it's a glance and the smile on your face...
the touch of your hands and honest embrace...
for where I lay it's you I keep... This changing world, I fall asleep... With you all I know is I'm coming home, coming home...

Sama kayak analisis pertama, subjek dalam lagu ini memang tidak sendirian. Dia punya teman untuk dipercaya. Teman yang sangat baik. Bahkan dia sudah tidak peduli lagi pada gejolak dunia yang kian berubah dan menggilas hidupnya. Dia sudah malas untuk mikirin kelemahan dalam eksosistemnya. Dia hanya tahu ada sahabat baik yang menemani dia. And then she knows that she's home!

Kalau mau lihat dari Feels Like Home di Brother Bear 2, liat dari plot filmnya ajah ya. Jadi, Nita (Mandy Moore ass the voice talent), wanita Inuit, gagal menjalankan pernikahan dengan tunangannya lantaran ditakdirkan untuk menikah dengan Kenai, teman masa kecilnya. Padahal Kenai sendiri telah dikutuk menjadi beruang (selengkapnya di Brother Bear 1) dan tinggal dengan Koda si beruang kecil. Berdasarkan saran seorang dukun, Nita menemui Kenai dan menuntut "beruang" itu untuk menemaninya ke Hokani Falls untuk membakar amulet pemberian Kenai semasa kecil agar ikatan diantara mereka berdua musnah. Nita benci melewati perjalanan di hutan, terlebih dirinya fobia pada perairan. Namun, tuntunan bersahabat dari Kenai dan Koda menahirkan segala ketakutannya.

The Chorus of Feels Like Home
Now I realize so much more to learn...
I'm ready for the world, not scared of letting go... Now I realize so much more to feel... My heart know it's real... Part of me so long forgotten and this feels like home, home, home... Feels this like home...

analisis lagi.

And so now we know that home means a condition where you feel comfortable just in the way you are because you're with the ones who love and understand you... In your home, you could be just yourself and you may find the timeless happiness.

So, if we wanna see deeper, we might find there are so many people who don't have home (which it means not house). Maybe they live in a house like a castle, but.. they don't feel home because they don't know who are their really friends. It's awful you know. They might not feel thankful.

Ehm, maybe you're the one of those. Hey, cheer up, dude! It ain't be that bad. I think you might find someone who loves you... and at least we can find one.
Why don't you see to God... Hey, God is absolutely been in love with you for a long time. It's His longing to see you embrace Him! People may leave you, but God will not leave you. He knows whenever you feel bad and He knows what you need even before you tell in your prayer. For the ones who love and believe Him, He will give those ones an endless home which is full of love, glory and happiness...

Now start to pray. You don't always have to close your eyes and make a poem in your prayer. Just say what you feel and need and don't forget to say: "God, I love you and I give it all back to you..." Do it as a habit. When you get closer to God, you might feel home whatever happens....

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