Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

My Steps Take Me Here...

Hey bloggers,,
After these loooooooonng school days, finally it's over... We've passed it all successfully... It's little surprising y'know... Not quite a very nice day, but maybe it's enough from now... We've survived very hard til this time and it's time to take a rest now...

Okeey, sebenernya nilai gw gak setragis yang gw bayangin...
Ada sedikit peningkatan...
But the same thing doesn't happen with my rank...
Ada yang bilang peringkat belum tentu bisa jadi tolak ukur kualitas seseorang...
Well, well whatever...
Nobody wanna be ordinary y' know...
If we could be extraordinary, why must be an ordinary people?
But it's not the final result...
You wanna see it? You're gonna see it in the Final Destination in front of the eyes of God...
Well, there are still miles to go, miles that brings you to your dream...
But now we arrive in the oasis.
Not yet the paradise, but this is just so good to have a rest...
congratz for all of you who have done it very well til now...
and for you who feel upset and worry, stop weeping...
there is still tomorrow to fix it al...
But now think again for your resolution...
You'll just keep daydreaming this time and feel thankful for your freedom...


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