Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Theodore I Mean...

Dear bloggers...
Nice to meet ya again (does it sound nice for you?)

I'm back again... dengan posting geje tentunya...
well, well, well, pada waktu liburan begini kayaknya jelas gak cocok untuk mengisi sebuah blog dengan tema yang mendidik. Nggak up to date kesannya...
Santai-santai aja, yawh...

Have I ever told me you how much I heart Theodore the chipmunk, the one of the great Alvin and the Chipmunk?
Well, well, my pals have known it and they start calling me CRAZY!
Yay! I just think that Theodore is cute. Okey? Wanna know? Say what you think and you should say: "It's CUTE!!"

Pic 1...
It's my profile pic in Facebook.
Isn't it cute? Peratiin, deh, lidahnya menjulur keluar...

Pic 2
I took it from the movie (using capture image in WMP)
Yah, jadi ada subtitle geje gitu, deh...
Tapi, mukanya lucuu...

Pic 3
Tampangnya sangat bersyukur biarpun itu nyolong...

Pic 4
Ketahuan nyolong... cengo tapi cute...

Pic 5
Pas adegan lagi belanja sama Dave Seville, a man who takes care of them.

Pic 6

Pic 7
a night before Christmas...

pic 8
Sleeping with Dave or on Dave's face....Awh...

Pic 9
Looks so excited when Christmas comes....

Pic 10

Pic 11
Having a nightmare again

Pic 12
I just took it from the net to complete my collection XD...

I don't what you really want if you say he's terrible. The terrible thing is I'm attracted so badly.
Gw, kan, suka ngambil persobality test. Suatu ketika, gw nyoba kuis "Who's Your Secret Crush?"
Yah, biarpun gue ngaku dan emang GAK punya gebetan, iseng-iseng aja nyoba. Kebanyakan hasil orang adalah: Your friend's sweetheart, the child of the enemy of your parents, the one with different social status, etc.
Lalu, apa hasil gue? YOUR PET!
Oke, mnurut hasil tes (ceritain dlm bhs indo aja, ya) katanya gue sayang banget sama hewan sampe2 gue lebih mencintai hewan daripada manusia.
Lalu, apa saran kuis itu buat gw: Tak salah mencintai hewan, tapi lihatlah dirimu dan belajarlah mencintai sesama manusia.
Reaksi gw: BENGONG.
Gw gak punya peliharaan atau jangan2 ni gara Theodore, chipmunk yang imut, atw Limbird, boneka burung hantu kesayangan.
Ckckckck,, bingung yawh... Tapi, mw gimana... cute, sih... Habis nggak ada co yang se-cute and innocent kayak gitu... Yang pasang tampang innocent aja bejat...

Tapi, kadang orang mikir kalo yang namanya Theodore itu semacam manusialah bwat gw dengan kata lain gw dianggap demen, naksir, ngegebet, have a crush on atau apalah sama orang yang namanya theodore atau yang mirip2lah. Ehm, gimana, ya? Sebenernya, sih, nggak. I don't ever really have a crush on a real boy... Beneran. Gw gak enak juga kalo misalkan ada yang nyangka gw serius naksir atau apalah sama a boy named theodore or maybe just similiar name.

I wanna tell that Theodore isn't supposed to be a man I love, but the cutest chipmunk in the universe I admire... XD

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